
Keep Your Car Whole By Avoiding Distractions

At Collision Correction & Customs in Fuquay-Varina, NC, we want to see everyone’s vehicle traveling down the road damage-free. This means being an attentive driver free from distraction. Distracted driving causes more than 280,000 vehicle collisions every year, more than 3,000 deaths per year, and countless more fender benders and minor accidents. But there isn’t a driver on the road who isn’t guilty of some form of distracted driving or another at some point, so what can you do to keep your rides distraction-free? At Collision Correction & Customs, we have a few pointers.

Put Down Your Phone

This is the biggest one. Your cell phone is the biggest distraction not just in your car, but in your life. How many times have you been out-and-about and seen people completely cut off from reality, just staring blankly at their screens? Have you ever looked over while you were driving and seen someone staring directly down at their lap? You can bet a cell phone is at fault for that. The best way to avoid this number one distraction behind the wheel is by putting your phone in your pocket, purse, or passenger seat and ignoring it. No text message or email is worth a banged-up vehicle and possibly your life. The phone can wait.

Don’t Eat Behind The Wheel

This is another big one. Everyone thinks they can quickly eat a hamburger or grab a cup of coffee while they are on the way to their next destination. But you’ll see how much attention the road ahead gets if you spill ketchup or coffee all over yourself. The best way to avoid this distracting situation is to simply wait until you get where you are going to eat or drink. You’ll be happy you did – and you can actually enjoy your snack!

Ignore The Gadgets

It seems like the electronic gadgets in your car – the radio, the GPS, touch screens, etc., are there to make your drive a little easier, but in truth, they can be a major distraction. Program your radio and GPS before you leave the driveway and keep your hands off of them while the car is in motion. We’ve all had that one song come on we just can’t stand, but fight the urge to change the dial and stay safe.

Avoid Distraction & Arrive Alive

At Collison Correction & Customs, we want to see everyone make it to their destination in one piece, and avoiding distractions is a big part of that. If your car does have damage from distracted driving, bring it to us and we can get it fixed up!

Photo by globalmoments from Getty images via Canva Pro

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