
Common Causes of Rear-End Collisions

The most common type of accident in the United States is the rear-end collision. One reason why this accident is the most common is tailgating. People simply follow the drivers in front of them too closely. We can help if you hit someone or get hit yourself. We are the best auto body shop in the area, and we are going to list the common reasons for rear-end collisions below so you can avoid them.

Aggressive Driving

As we mentioned above, tailgating is a common cause of rear-end collisions. Tailgating is a form of aggressive driving. Other forms of aggressive driving include speeding, weaving through lanes, and blowing through yellow lights. It is always important to leave in plenty of time to get where you need to go and to drive within the speed limits and confines of road laws.

Distracted Driving

The most common cause of any automobile accident is distracted driving. This type of driving has surpassed drunk driving as the highest cause of accidents. People are attached to their mobile phones even though laws prevent them from texting and driving. Nonetheless, people text and drive all the time and talk and drive all the time. Distractions open you up to collisions.

Driver Fatigue

Another thing that can cause a rear-end collision is driver fatigue. If you are sleepy behind the wheel, you may not realize how close you are to the car in front of you. Consequently, you may not have enough time or space to stop if the vehicle stops suddenly. Driver fatigue is akin to drunk driving. You do not have the motor skills you normally would if you were rested.

Drunk Driving

Speaking of drunk driving… just don’t do it. If you are going to have even one beer or glass of wine with dinner out, choose a designated driver who is not going to consume alcohol. Any amount of alcohol is going to impair your motor skills. Consequently, you may not be quick enough with the brake pedal when the driver in front of you slows down and stops.

Inclement Weather

Finally, inclement weather can make your vehicle skid when you apply the brakes. Unfortunately, you may skid right into the car in front of you. As such, leave extra distance between you and the traffic ahead if it is raining or snowing outside.

As we said previously, we can help if you have been in an automobile accident. We will work with your insurance company and make your car look as if nothing ever happened. Call us today.

Photo by RobertCrum from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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