
How Long Does it Take to Repair Your Car After a Wreck?

The biggest question when your car needs repairs after a wreck is how long you’ll have to wait. Collision Correction & Customs in Fuquay-Varina, NC has information that can help you when your car needs some repair work.

Make Sure You Get an Accurate Estimate

The first thing to do after an accident, even a minor one, is to get an accurate estimate of the damage. That estimate helps you to understand exactly what’s wrong with the car, how much the repairs will cost, and how long it’s likely to take in order to get the car back to you. That’s all important information and an experienced repair shop is going to have accurate timeframes for the types of damage your car has received.

Timeframes Depend on What Got Damaged

Those timeframes can vary quite a lot, based on what exactly happened to your car. Some damage isn’t always easy to see, like with your car’s bumpers. Modern bumpers have an outer covering with structural supports underneath. When someone or something hits your bumper, you might not see damage to the outside of the bumper, but underneath there could be more damage than you realize. 

There Could Be Delays

Sometimes parts are out of stock or there are other issues, like needing additional repairs that weren’t initially obvious. That can cause delays that you weren’t expecting and aren’t prepared to manage. Any changes to the timeframe will be communicated to you by a reputable shop, so you’re never left guessing about what’s going on with your car repairs.

Don’t Wait to Have the Damage Inspected

The important thing to know is that if you are in an accident, even a minor one that you think didn’t cause any damage at all, you should never wait to have your car inspected. Waiting could mean that structural damage is left to get worse and you may end up in another accident if you continue to drive the car. Knowing what you’re up against is always better than getting surprised later.

It’s never fun to wait for your car to get repaired after an accident, but it helps when you know that the repairs are going to be done properly. If you’ve been in a wreck, contact us at Collision Correction & Customs in Fuquay-Varina, NC and we’ll help you to get an estimate and explain the repairs your car is going to need.

Photo by RobertCrum from Getty Images Pro via Canva Pro

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