
The Most Popular Aftermarket Modifications

You’ve bought your dream car; now it’s time to trick it out. We are experts in customizing your automobile with aftermarket modifications that boost its power and performance. Let’s talk about the most popular aftermarket modifications on the market.

Turbocharger Addition

Take your car’s performance to new heights by adding a turbocharger to the engine if it doesn’t already have one. A turbocharger will increase the horsepower you get out of the engine. Your automobile may already have a turbocharger. If it does, we can replace its parts to get you more horses under the hood.

Nitrous Kit

A nitrous kit will add some horsepower to the engine by taking nitrous oxide and breaking it down into oxygen. This oxygen cools the air in the combustion chamber to create density. The density causes a more powerful burn of air and fuel in the chamber. This will add about 50+ horses under the hood.

Cold Air Intake

Another way to cool off the air and increase its density is to take advantage of cold air intake. You can do this relatively inexpensively by installing a performance air filter in the engine. This will only do so much, however. Performance cold air intake equipment will give you a 5 hp to 10 hp increase.

Camshaft Upgrade

Installing an aftermarket camshaft can also increase the engine’s performance. Many aftermarket upgrade enthusiasts call the camshaft a “bump stick” because the shaft has bumps down it. The upgrade to the camshaft increases the horsepower at the wheels. The increase can range from 30 to 100 hp.

Full Aftermarket Exhaust

A full aftermarket exhaust system will give your automobile the lean and mean look and sound that you desire. A full aftermarket exhaust includes replacing the

  • Exhaust tips
  • Exhaust manifold
  • Tube headers
  • OEM crossover
  • Catalytic converter

Replacing these parts with high-performance parts is an extremely popular aftermarket modification.

Fuel System Upgrade

When you upgrade your engine’s performance, the fuel demand increases. As such, you need to upgrade the fuel intake, as well. Fuel system upgrades include a high-flow fuel filter and high-flow fuel injectors. These push more fuel into the engine to increase combustion and horsepower.

Bring your vehicle to our shop to discuss aftermarket upgrades to increase your engine’s performance. We can inspect your automobile to determine the maximum upgrades it can take. Once you’ve decided on the upgrades, we will perform them. You will drive off our repair lot with a powerful machine that performs as good as it sounds. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Photo by khunkorn from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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