
What Happens When Your Car Runs Out Of Gas?

Once you’ve been driving your car for a while, you know it like the back of your hand. You know what each sound and screech means, and just generally when your car feels “off”. This knowledge about your car most likely came with a lot of trial and error.


A common way people might push their car’s abilities is with the gas tank. When you drive with someone else and point out that their car is on “E”, they might tell you that it’s fine, and they know exactly how long they can stay on “E” without stopping for gas. But if their calculations are even a little off and they run out of gas while on the road, it can be more than just a major inconvenience- it can cause some serious damage to the car. 

What Happens To Your Vehicle When It Runs Out Of Gas?

One problem that may occur when you run out of gas while driving is damage to your fuel pump. The fuel pump, located in your vehicle’s fuel tank, has the job of pumping fuel to your engine. This allows your vehicle to to move when you push down on the gas pedal. It’s important that the fuel pump remain cool and well lubricated, and when your car is on “E”, it can cause overheating to the fuel pump. To make sure your fuel pump continues to perform well, make sure you don’t let your vehicle get below a quarter tank of gas. 


Issues that arise from a damaged fuel pump may not appear immediately, but if you are constantly letting your car run out of fuel, you risk further and possibly permanent damage to your vehicle. 

What Happens When You Run Out Of Gas While Driving?

When you run out of gas while driving, your car will stall. When your fuel tank is empty, your vehicle will start to shut down. If this happens while you are driving, it can cause panic, leading to reckless and unsafe driving, increasing your risk of collision. 


If you feel your vehicle start to stall while on the road, it’s important to turn on your hazards, pull over immediately if you can, and remain calm. Your hazard lights will alert other drivers on the road of your presence, and are especially important to have on if you are unable to get your car out of traffic. 

Make Sure You Don’t Run Out Of Gas!

To ensure your vehicle’s safety and to avoid any unnecessary or cause collisions on the road, make sure to fill up your gas tank as soon as it’s on “E”, or make sure it never goes below a quarter tank.

Photo by J_Doyon from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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